Unlocking True Happiness: Tips for a Joyful and Fulfilling Life

Did you know? These interesting factors can up your ‘happiness game’

For a long time, researchers and thinkers have wondered about what makes people happy. They often find that happiness goes beyond what happens around us.

As humans, we often find ourselves navigating a maze of desires, achievements and experiences, all in search of that elusive joy. For a long time, researchers and thinkers have wondered about what makes people happy. What exactly are the factors that influence our happiness? Mary Chelladurai, counsellor and executive trustee of AINA Trust, a Bangalore-based charitable organisation, elaborates, “All of us seek happiness in life. The question is what makes one happy? A delicious meal, a great outfit, a place where eyes don’t turn away from us, a flashy car, an international trip, a huge bank balance? The material list can go on. Happiness can just be a momentary state of feeling good and being soaked in ego. But true happiness is when the mind is calm and peaceful, something that cannot be robbed away.”

Indeed, experts have found that happiness goes beyond what just happens around us. Studies have revealed that factors such as meaningful relationships, a sense of purpose and personal growth contribute to our overall satisfaction.

Together, let’s explore some factors affecting happiness and learn how to be happy.

Energise your body and mind

Energise your body and mind

Regular physical activity is not just crucial for our physical health but also plays an important role in our mental wellbeing. Exercise releases endorphins or feel-good hormones that help elevate mood and reduce feelings of stress. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session or hitting the gym, adding exercise to our routine can boost our energy levels and contribute to a more positive outlook on life and what we know as happiness.

Get that much needed sleep

Not getting enough sleep doesn’t just make us feel tired, it affects how well our brain works and how stable our emotions are. So, quality sleep might be the answer to not just our mental and physical health but also our happiness. When we’re sleep-deprived, we tend to get more irritable, have mood swings and find it harder to concentrate and get things done. This in turn can make us frustrated, upset and sad.

To improve our sleep, it’s important to stick to a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine. These habits help our body get used to sleeping and waking at the right times, which leads to a deeper and more restful sleep. We wake up feeling refreshed, happy and ready to tackle the day with a positive attitude.

Cultivate appreciation

Many of us tend to focus on the shortcomings in our lives; the colleague with a luxurious bag or the person with a seemingly better lifestyle. Yet, we often overlook our own blessings. Practicing gratitude is a wonderful way to enhance our happiness. This involves consciously appreciating the positive aspects of our life, no matter how small they may seem.

Keeping a journal is a great way to cultivate gratitude. This simple practice involves jotting down things we are thankful for each day. It shifts our focus from what we do not have to what we have. By regularly reflecting on our blessings, we can cultivate a mindset that enhances overall happiness.

As Chelladurai says, “Happiness is seeking myself deep inside, discovering me in my wholeness. The very joy of being alive and being filled with gratitude for all the blessings bestowed on me by the almighty.”

Show kindness to people and animals

Show kindness to people and animals

Whether it’s placing a small bowl of water for birds on a hot day or offering some food to a cow grazing by the roadside, acts like these not only help animals but also bring a sense of satisfaction and joy to the giver. Acts of kindness, whether towards people or animals, enhance the giver’s sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Engaging in altruistic behaviors releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and positive social interactions. When you take the time to care for an animal or assist someone in need, you’re not just performing a good deed, you’re also triggering biological processes that promote feelings of connection. Showing kindness towards animals and humans is also a powerful way to enrich your life while making the world a better place for everyone.

Work on inner peace

There is a lot that goes on in a day and our minds keep buzzing with what to do next? Mindfulness meditation is a powerful way to calm a chaotic mind. This practice is known to reduce stress, enhance emotional regulation and promote overall wellbeing.

Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly, focus on your breath and observe your thoughts without judgment—this can significantly improve your mental clarity and also reduce stress. Doing it daily will make you happier and calmer in life.

Anticipate joyful experiences

Whether you are visiting a dear friend or are planning a vacation to a place you have never been before, there is something exciting about planning a vacation. Months in advance, as you map out destinations, browse through travel guides and bookmark must-see attractions, a wave of joy washes over you. It’s not just about booking flights and hotels; it’s about dreaming of new experiences. Research underscores that the process of planning a trip can significantly boost one’s mood. Similarly, planning a birthday party for your niece or nephew, buying a new car or home, awaiting your favourite hero’s new movie, are all joyful experiences that bring out the happiness you feel within.

The mere act of looking forward to something enjoyable triggers positive emotions and significantly contributes to your happiness.

Learn the power of a smile

Have you ever noticed how, when someone smiles at you, you suddenly feel happy? A research conducted by scientists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas shows how smiling affects one’s ability to recover from stress. Smiling can make your brain release dopamine and serotonin, which are chemicals that make you feel good. Even if you’re not feeling happy, forcing yourself to smile can boost your mood and lower your stress.

Incorporating these factors into your daily life can enrich your ‘happiness game’. By prioritising activities that promote physical health, emotional wellbeing and positive social connections, you can cultivate a sustainable path to happiness.

Happiness is not merely a destination but a journey shaped by the choices you make and the habits you cultivate.


How to be happy?

Happiness is influenced by various factors including relationships, health, meaningful work, personal growth, reading happy books and watching happy movies and having a sense of purpose.

Can money buy happiness?

Money can contribute to happiness up to a certain point. However, factors such as relationships and personal fulfillment play a larger role in long-term happiness.

How does gratitude impact happiness?

Practicing gratitude enhances happiness by shifting focus from what we lack to appreciating what we have.

What role does physical activity play in happiness?

Regular exercise releases endorphins, chemicals in the brain that reduce pain and trigger positive feelings, thus making you happy.




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