Our lives keep getting more and more challenging as we grow up. We conquer every day to the best of our abilities. But dodging a challenge or two every now and then can leave us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about our path forward. Whether we are facing problems in our relationships, struggling at work or dealing with stress within our families, it’s easy to get disheartened and dejected from time to time. Most importantly, it’s hard to live a life of full potential. But there’s always hope.

Bestselling author Robin Sharma’s book, Who Will Cry When You Die? is a great work that offers us lessons and wisdom galore—to help navigate through tough times with ease and rise to our full potential as humans. As the title of the book suggests, if only a few people miss us after we leave the world, then there is scope for doing and being a lot better. So, join us as we explore some of the valuable life lessons from this wonderful book.

Seek out your life’s calling

Most of us are caught in a routine; we go to work just to be able to pay our bills and fulfil obligations. In doing so, we hardly pay attention to what we want and what makes us happy. We often overlook the importance of discovering our true passion or purpose in life. Robin Sharma’s book emphasises on the significance of discovering our true calling and pursuing it. He encourages his readers to search deep into their hearts and understand what brings them joy. By aligning our actions with our aspirations and passion, we become set on a journey of self-discovery and fulfilment.

See troubles as blessings

Life is full of ups and downs and all of us face our fair share of challenges and hardships. But Robin Sharma urges us not to succumb to them. Instead, he encourages us to embrace a mindset of optimism and view our troubles as blessings in disguise. By changing our perspective about challenges, we get to learn lessons from our struggles. In his book, Who Will Cry When You Die?, Sharma urges us to use setbacks as stepping stones towards a brighter future instead of allowing them to define us.

Enjoy the path, not just the rewards

Most of us are so focussed on reaching our goals that we forget to enjoy the ride. In this book, Robin Sharma reminds us that it’s essential to appreciate the journey and not just the destination. Instead of rushing through life, we should take time to relish each step. We should also learn to find joy in our small victories. By living in the moment and appreciating the path we’re on, we can find greater happiness in our lives.

Choose humility over pride

Sharma’s book also stresses on the importance of having humility. He states that we should not allow the pride of winning often to cloud our judgment. Interestingly, it is humility and not pride that encourages us to embrace a mindset of openness—by acknowledging that we don’t have all the answers and that there is always room for flexibility and growth. Humility encourages us to learn from our mistakes and approach life with gratitude.

Practice forgiveness

Many of us hold onto our anger, letting it weigh heavily on our hearts and minds. In the book Who Will Cry When You Die?, the author talks about how anger robs our peace and happiness. However, by choosing to forgive, we release ourselves from it’s bitterness, allowing healing and reconciliation to take place. It is important to note that forgiveness is not about forgetting people’s hurtful actions but is more about freeing ourselves from it’s underlying negativity. In fact, forgiveness empowers us to let go of the past and move forward with a lighter heart.

Enjoy our own company

Amidst the daily noise and distractions of our modern lives, Sharma reminds us of the importance of silence and solitude. Taking time for quiet reflection as a part of our routine allows us to connect with our inner selves and gain clarity. Learning to be silent enables us to listen more deeply and live more authentically. Enjoying our own company makes us stronger and resilient in the face of travesties.

Live fully, have no regrets

Sharma encourages us to seize the present moment and live our lives to the fullest. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment or delaying our happiness until we have achieved or acquired certain material goals, we should embrace each day with passion and gratitude. By cherishing the people we love and making meaningful connections, we can create a life filled with joy and purpose. And finally, by living fully today, we can look back on our lives with satisfaction when our journey comes to an end.

In the book Who Will Cry When You Die?, Robin Sharma offers timeless wisdom through his insightful words. He teaches us about the power of resilience, gratitude and self-discovery in shaping a life of purpose. And when we embrace these teachings and apply them to our lives, we can journey forward with courage, compassion and joy.


What is the book Who Will Cry When You Die? about?

Who Will Cry When You Die? is a self-help book that offers insights on how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

How can Who Will Cry When You Die? benefit it’s readers?

This book can benefit readers by providing them with practical strategies for personal development.

What are some key themes in Robin Sharma’s books?

Robin Sharma’s books often explore themes related to personal development, leadership, success and fulfillment.

Are Robin Sharma’s books suitable for all types of readers?

Robin Sharma’s books are suitable for those interested in personal development, leadership and self-improvement.