what our soul yearns

‘We take different births to find what the soul really yearns for’

Practitioners believe, memories of past life can be retrieved for those who have been reincarnated. One such expert is Lizia Batla who uses past life regression to unearth memories of past life.

People have always wondered what lies beyond the grave. While some say death is the end of the road, others believe in life after death. The concept of reincarnation states that a soul is born multiple times in different bodies. According to this belief, people have past lives. Practitioners believe that past life memories can be retrieved in those who have been reincarnated. Past Life Regression (PLR) is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover these memories.

In an informative interview with Soulveda, PLR practitioner Lizia Batla talks about reincarnation and explains all about past life regression.

Excerpts from the interview:

How did your interest get piqued in PLR?

I have always been drawn to esoteric modalities. But the catalyst for my learning is my son Jeevan, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a child. All modalities have helped him to become the potent being he truly is.

What kind of people typically tend to come to you for PLR?

I do not accept everyone that comes to me for a PLR. A few people come to me out of curiosity and I gently turn them away. If there is a genuine case of deep seated fear, hypochondria or psychosis, then with their doctor’s permission (if they are clinically diagnosed) I attend to them.

For the people who’ve come so far, has the process ever revealed that someone didn’t have a past life?

Most people have a past life, but a new soul does come into existence. It can be ascertained from an astrology chart.

Despite knowing about PLR, why are people wary of uncovering their memories?

We operate on two levels, the higher mind (that knows all) and the lower mind that we use in our daily life. Remembering or reliving a painful situation can bring a lot of emotional upheaval, which is why most people don’t like to go there. Sometimes, people are just not willing to know about their past lives or even a childhood memory because their higher selves perceive a painful situation/moment.

“Nothing can ever go wrong in a PLR session. A subject cannot be hypnotised without their consent.”

Scientifically, where does the discipline of PLR stand? Some people are empirically driven. So if I were to convince them, how would I?

A lot of research has been done by people. Some have even dedicated their lives to finding the truth about people’s past-life events. However, the medical fraternity does not acknowledge the same. Brian Weiss himself is an MD, who has given up a lucrative practice and is devoted to PLR. Trutz Hardo has written a book on children who have lived before.

Has there been any particular subject whose life changed drastically after going through PLR? Would you mind sharing their story (anonymously, of course)?

We did regression for a young girl who wasn’t able to lose weight. We found she was sexually abused for years by her staff, a much older man, in this life. When I took her through it, she found out that she had started enjoying these episodes. Was it the guilt of enjoying rape or something else? It didn’t matter what it was. As she acknowledged it, she began shedding her weight. Just acknowledging that it happened was what she needed.

How do you guide the subject? What kind of questions do you normally ask? Are they open-ended or do they lead the subject in a particular direction?

There are no fixed guidelines and questions. The therapist goes with their ‘knowledge’ to relax the subject. A well-trained therapist will never lead the subject but would rather go where the subject is ‘going’. If the therapist feels that the subject needs to be asked more questions then they will. A few sessions are required before the subject unravels their journey. To allow the mind and body to assimilate what has transpired, it is important to give a gap of at least a fortnight between sessions. There’s no point rushing what you could have accumulated over 20, 30 or even 100 years.

What can go wrong with PLR? Could there be any side effects of the process?

Nothing can ever go wrong in a PLR session. A subject cannot be hypnotised without their consent. By helping one acknowledge a certain memory, the therapist helps in letting go of the trauma attached to it. There are no side effects.

What according to you is the difference between karma and reincarnation or is it that one leads to the other?

There is hardly any connection between karma and reincarnation as you choose reincarnation to experience what you have chosen for yourself, not be reincarnated because of it.

According to me, karma is something we create. Creating karma is in our hands because it is with ‘choice’ that we create what we desire. As for reincarnation, we take different births to find what the soul really yearns for. For instance, if the soul wants to experience the patience of a Buddha, it will find and surround itself with people who will test its patience. In this space, it will learn.

Knowing the past–how does it help?

One does not necessarily have to know the past. However, if there is a recurring problem then one needs to look into their childhood or a past life for answers. For example, a client had fear of water, heights and closed spaces, and clinical therapy wasn’t helping. A PLR revealed that in her past life she was pushed from a height, she fell into a hole and drowned to death. After a few sessions, she overcame her fears and even learnt swimming.

  • Lizia Batla is a PLR practitioner and a life coach. She has done a professional past life regression course in the United States of America under the guidance of Dr Brian Weiss. She does past life regression only for those who, she feels, really need it.

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