Life is so precious, and so is time. These two are so linked, like breathing in and out. You never think about breathing, that is, until you can’t. At that time, there will be nothing as important in your life as breathing.
When you have your life (breath, health) and time (freedom) taken away from you, then also, you can’t think of anything else other than being healthy and being free to do whatever you want whenever you want. There is nothing as precious as freedom and health and nothing missed as much when either that freedom or health is taken away from you.
Yet I look around me and I see few people with a state of mind that allows them to be truly free to enjoy life. Everyone seems totally bogged down with worry, stress, anxiety or have something in their life that is crippling them and weighing them down which takes away their ability to enjoy life as it should be enjoyed. From President, Prime Minister to cleaner, all have both feet firmly stuck in the bog of a troubled mind which will never allow them to move forward in life.
Each milieu and bog is unique but they all have one aspect very much in common and which is ruining their lives, and that is, they are all caught in the powerful trap of body-consciousness to which all are destined to increasingly succumb and drown. It is only God who can give them the wisdom and strength to pull themselves clear of that quicksand and give them the state of mind, capable of fully enjoying life to the full.
Health is really in your hands which enables you to pick up happiness and if you don’t have good health, then you have no hands to be able to pick up that happiness. If you’ve poor health, then you’ve crippled and arthritic hands with which to pick up happiness which is never going to be easy or enjoyable and in most cases, impossible. Most people, of course, want happiness and see glimpses of it throughout the day, yet if they have the deformed hands of bad karma that cripples and restricts them, they are never going to be able or worthy to pick up happiness; such is their karma.
Momentary happiness is the only happiness of today which people understand and experience and aim for, in their lives
Some have good hands, but bad legs that stop them bending down (making effort and experiencing happiness) to pick up the happiness they desire, or some have good hands and good legs, yet are disabled with depression, and some have good hands, legs and a happy disposition, but have money, family or some other unseen problem that stops them from grasping that illusive happiness. Most are too disabled to be happy and they have not got the remedy or pill to heal the self. Of course, God can heal all those, who are in his waiting room (centre).
Our freedom today comes at a cost, whereby we have to live by laws – both spiritual and physical. One need not follow or obey those laws, but then one has to suffer the consequences of not comply-ing with those laws. By not following and disregarding spiritual laws eventually leads to suffering in both your body and mind, whereas not following physical laws and breaking them could lead to imprisonment, and yes, suffering – then your disregard for ‘freedom’ would have turned into ‘a painful event’. We can pay for our disobedience in many different ways, be it backache, headache, tooth-ache, heartache, amputation, heart attack, missile attack, war, starvation, insomnia, depression, discontentment, arguments, stress, blood pressure, to the glass in your foot to having no feet at all.
All is karma, all is the suffering from thinking and doing wrong, from originally going against spiritual laws. Now a distant relative of spiritual laws is physical laws, which manifested and came into being to assist and bolster up the long forgotten spiritual laws. So, this distant relation today helps its great ancestor complete its duty and carry out its punishment and comes to hit us, and seldom comes to stroke us.
Six billion people and only two hands are needed
There are two hands of karma, one that causes pain, and its other hidden hand, which gives peace, love, happiness and comfort. These hands are both 100% accurate, work on autopilot, and is the supreme arm of the law that cannot be argued with – for who could argue with the law of ‘cause and effect’, except a simpleton.
God’s bank deals only with thoughts, words and actions
No one should waste a minute, but try to better his/her ‘karmic account’ and deposit the highest currency of love, peace and happiness everyday into this Godly Bank. Cooperation, mercy, good wishes and enthusiasm are also fine currencies to add to your account. The richest person on the earth today would be the one who has the maximum amount of virtues, qualities and spiritual life and is ignorant to man’s bank balance of greed.
Are you a billionaire?
Millionaires and billionaires, all desire for happiness and yet even for them, there will be something or the other that stops them from being able to be truly happy, be it loneliness, arrogance of their wealth, poor health or their private jet crashes that take away their life – and their wealth. If one is not worthy, then there will always be something to stop him from enjoying life or something will keep walking just behind him (karma) to snatch away whatever it is he has that is giving him momentary happiness.
In people’s innocence, they unknowingly spend their whole life working towards achieving only a week’s worth of true happiness. Imagine all that effort, sweat, toil and agony they must have put in towards getting an end result of just one week’s real happiness. Similar to the person labouring day in, day out, in the most awful job in a factory from dawn to dusk, seven days a week, to get a week’s holiday whereby he’s free to relax and enjoy himself in the sun. Except today that week has shrunk to a day and in that day, following him about, is stress, unhappiness and heavy lash of rain.
Can you swim across the channel, if you cannot swim?
A worker also realizes all too well that tomorrow he has to go back to work. Whilst contemplating this return, he also has to deal with everyone else’s similar thoughts and sorrow whilst on his break from his normal routine of misery. Alas! he doesn’t realize it, but he too has gradually become a billionaire – of sorrows! In his pursuit of happiness, pleasure and success, he has become the opposite of what he wanted. He wanted to learn to swim (be happy) and swim across the channel (be very happy), but in all the years, can only tread water at best and is in reality, slowly sinking.
This factory worker with his innocent pure intentions, dreams and impossible desires, truly represents and mirrors ‘all’ of the humanity, for all of humanity is now in the same sinking ship. God today named this ship ‘THE LUCKY FEW’, and tomorrow will rename it ‘THIS IS NOW THE END OF HUMANITY’S CONSTANT SUFFERING’.
Does your passport have an up to date visa stamped on it?
Everyone is on board this ship of suffering as everyone has become crippled to some degree. This ship will soon sink, but before it does, its last call of duty will be too quick to stop off at the harbour that transports people onward to heaven to let them get off. Only those few loving people will be worthy enough of going onwards and setting foot in heaven. So few will make it off this sinking ship but those who do, will be divine, virtuous, generous, special passengers truly worthy of the very best that life can give. They will have become worthy of receiving the highest reward possible in life–that of going ashore in heaven. Does it not make sense that the highest reward is given by God, the highest on high, to his Godly children?