Good egg

Look at an egg from outside. It appears to be wholesome and good. This may be so, but it is not until we break the shell that we find out whether it is really good or bad.

The same is true of many human beings today. It is not until their outer shell is pierced that we come to know the truth about them, their bodies swaddled in elegant clothes, their ideas couched in eloquent words, they strike as being fine creatures indeed. But under the finest veneer, there can lurk an ugly, repulsive character.

It is not until one gets close and has dealings with such a person that one discovers—particularly when there is a clash of interest—how uninspiring is the reality. Behind the gentlemanly facade lies a bundle of selfishness, cheapness, affectation, pride, prejudice, exploitativeness, and arrogance. Challenge such a person’s interests, and we see him in his true colours. Not a good egg!

In the vast morass of conflict which exists in the world today, it often seems that it is the hypocrite who remains supreme—the one who manages to project himself as the “good egg” to the rest of the world.

But this state of affairs can never last. The time is fast approaching when man will be ushered into another world, where all hypocrisy will fall away, and all power will rest, not in the hand of man, but of God.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan is an Islamic spiritual scholar who has authored over 200 books on Islam, spirituality, and peaceful coexistence in a multi-ethnic society.