God is the most beautiful and highest Soul that exists and is like a sun of spiritual energy who radiates His qualities to the world constantly. We all remember Him not only because we love Him but also because we want to fill ourselves with His qualities and make ourselves perfect and beautiful. The more we remain with God in our thoughts and feelings and the more we experience His love at every step, the more we get filled with His qualities and we also become pure and divine, which is the highest purpose of any human soul. Also, we build a beautiful relationship with God when we understand His thoughts and feelings, which He conveys through His vibrations and words of wisdom day. The magnetic pull that God every gives us an experience of, during the process of meditation, makes us an embodiment of the qualities He possesses and even makes us lighter and happier in every action of life. God is an Ocean of 7 qualities – peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom and He wants to make us also full of these 7 qualities. Although we cannot become an Ocean of these qualities like Him, He makes us a master Ocean of these qualities or His child with similar qualities. Before coming into this world, we souls were in the soul world and were full of these 7 qualities. As we came down on Earth and started taking many different births, slowly over a period of time, we lost these qualities and today we have these qualities, but to a much lesser extent as in the beginning, when we began our journey of different births. As time is progressing, the World Drama is entering its last phase, in which we should connect with God in different ways and do a quality recharging. 

Begin Your Day With A Close Meeting With God During the early morning hours, when nature is silent and pure and human beings are quiet and detached from their physical existence, experience yourself as a soul and enter the soul world and float in it, touching and absorbing the pure vibrations of God. These vibrations will fill you with God’s 7 qualities. Imbibe God’s Wisdom in Your Heart After meditating early morning and getting ready after that, read or listen to God’s wisdom with a fresh mind and body and imbibe every word in your heart and feel that God the – Supreme Teacher is teaching me with immense love. This will inspire you to fill every thought, word and action in the day with His qualities. Add a Spiritual Vibration to Every Action A very beautiful way of feeling and experiencing God’s qualities and making them your, is to add a pure and divine vibration to every action, by remembering God before beginning any action, feeling His presence and taking His guidance during the action and thanking God after finishing the action. Make a Quality Chart and Follow It the Entire Day Every morning as you have a meeting with God, share with God a quality chart for the day. In the quality chart, depending on the day’s timetable for your actions and the people and situations you are expecting to meet and come across, write in your mind or visualize, how will you bring the 7 qualities of God in every action. Share the Wisdom and Qualities of God with Others To experience God’s qualities in every action and do a quality recharging, share whatever you know and learn from God everyday with others and bring others closer to God. Also, give others an experience of God’s qualities through your face and smile full of divinity and every beautiful word and action.