An executive manager plays a very key role in the successful functioning of a company. His selection and appointment is a very important aspect for the growth of any organisation. Head-hunters and placement agencies provide resource and services for hiring the right kind of candidates. However, the parameters have to be set by the employer.
Kautilya, in his Arthashastra, gives us detailed guidelines on the selection of managers who are fresh management trainees, and also those how are experienced and need to be directly recruited for higher responsibilities.
Selection of management trainees
Book one, chapter five points out the various qualities to the tested by the human resource department, when it hunts for management trainees during campus interviews.
Kautilya says that a ‘trainable’ person is the one who has the following six qualities:
Desire to learn
Should be open minded. After learning all the theories of management, a trainee should be available to learn the practical side of it from seniors.
Effective listening ability
Listening is hearing ‘plus’ thinking. He should be able to understand what is being expected out of him from the organisation.
Ability to reflect
One should be able to think from all angles. Both logical and creative thinking is required in the field of management.
The true test of a good manager comes during crisis. He should be able to shoulder all the responsibilities and execute an immediate action plan.
Ability to reject false views
He should be able to reach at his own conclusions. One should be able to differentiate between various points of view.
Intent on truth not on person
It is an ability to separate the person from the problem. He should be able to stick to the ‘truth’ that he has reached after his own careful analysis.
Selection of experienced managers
Qualities to be tested before recruiting a person from another organisation is given in chapter nine of book one.
Technical competence
In that particular field to be tested with the help of those people more learned in that science.
Intelligence, perseverance and dexterity
His experience should also be coupled with the intelligence to understand the ‘crux’ of any problem. He should also have the ability to progress in spite of various hindrances.
Eloquence, Boldness and presence of mind
The ability to make quick decisions and a personality that reflects confidence. Eloquence also means to communicate words in a short yet effective manner.
Ability to bear troubles during emergencies
The true test of a good manager comes during crisis. He should be able to shoulder all the responsibilities and execute an immediate action plan.
Uprightness, friendliness and firmness of devotion in dealing with others
He should be a people’s man. Management is the ability to get the work done from other people.
Strength of character
Moral strength and ethical dealings. These have to be conveyed more my action than just words.