Ms. Bapsi Sidhwa, a Parsi lady from Pakistan, is at present teaching at the University of Houston, Texas, in America. Her novels, written in English, are published by international publishing concerns.
The amazing thing is that Bapsi Sidhwa had no formal education. A polio victim at an early age, she was removed by her parents from the primary school she was attending in Lahore. For some time, she studied with the help of a tutor, but this was only for a very short period.
It was only her keenness, which spurred her on to become proficient in her studies. She started to study books in English on her own, becoming, as she put it herself, a voracious reader. Ultimately, by dint of continuous effort, she was able to write in English. She submitted her work to various magazines but got no response from them except rejection slips. The manuscript of her first book lay on her bookshelf for eight long years. She was reduced to a state of despair.
Hard work, in fact, is the brightest jewel in the crown of human virtues.
Finally, events took a turn for the better and her articles started to be welcomed by foreign magazines. Despite having no formal degree, she has become known at the international level as a writer in English and teaches the subject of creative writing at an American University (Times of India, February 25, 1990).
All learning is acquired in the school of hard work; all progress is achieved at the price of unflagging effort. Perseverance is a virtue, which can be practised at all times, even by one who is crippled by a disease, and even by one who has failed to get a degree from a university. Hard work, in fact, is the brightest jewel in the crown of human virtues.