For any communication language is required. A language is formed by sentences. The sentences are formed by words. The words are made up of letters or alphabets. In the English language here are ten most powerful words which are to be used carefully and with full understanding. If used without knowing the real meaning, these words can damage the purpose of their usage.
‘I’- This is the most powerful single letter word used very commonly. Many people use the word ‘I’ daily in every aspect to show their ego and personal importance. How many really know who ‘I’ is when they speak. Until godfather Shiv Baba incarnated in Prajapita Brahma and revealed about the soul hidden in the body, people were thinking that ‘I’ was the human body. So try to avoid using this word as far as possible.
‘WE’ – This two letter word is used mostly to involve others in sharing the blame or other misdeeds. Where one cannot take the full responsibility this word is used. If an appreciable good work is done then the first word ‘I’ will be used with ego. But god father Shiv baba told us that we are souls and children of one God. Hence one should use this word in a most satisfying manner. So use it liberally in place of ‘I’.
‘EGO’ – This three letter word is mostly used to point out the behaviour in others but not in self. As if a person wearing coloured glasses sees everything through the colour of his glasses, an egoistic person sees everyone as an egoist. No one clearly knows what is ego until Shiv Baba explains the difference between body- consciousness and soul- consciousness. This is a most poisonous word hence overcome it.
‘LOVE’ – This word is used abundantly without feeling it. It is like lip sympathy but not real sympathy. This four letter word is mostly between young girls and boys without really meaning it. As per the common notation followed, love is misunderstood as sex between male and female. Shiv Baba demonstrates His love towards his children in his daily lesson. Hence we must learn how to show love towards other brothers and sisters and give value to the word love.
‘SMILE’ – This five letter word is a gesture to show our attitude towards others. A smiling face invites friendship while an angry face keeps the people away from you. Whoever we are and whatever we are Shiv Baba addresses us as sweet children even though we may not be sweet all the time. So be always friendly with others keep smiling.
‘RUMOUR’ – This six letter word is the fastest spreading word. If you receive any information and you share it with many people without knowing the reality, then it becomes a rumour. These rumours spread like a wildfire and do a lot of damage to society. Shiv Baba tells that when you get such news or message hear with one ear and leave it with the other ear. Hence ignore rumours.
‘SUCCESS’ – This is the hardest working seven letter word. Normally ‘success’ word is used when an examination is passed or achieves a set goal. Shiv Baba tells us that real success is achieved when we conquer the deeply rooted five vices viz. anger, greed, lust, ego and attachment in us. That is possible only by continuous practice of observing your thoughts and emotions. Try to achieve.
‘JEALOUSY’ – This is the most enviable eight letter word. Jealousy often comes because of comparison with others. Shiva Baba tells us that each and every soul is unique and best in their unique talents. So there is no comparison. There may be many defects in a soul in our view but there will always be a good aspect in that soul. So see only that good aspect and never compare. By comparison only envy comes. So keep distance from jealousy and comparison. Respect each and every soul and enjoy their part in this world drama.
‘KNOWLEDGE’ – This is the most powerful nine letter word commonly used for acquiring higher educational qualifications. Normally people think that more degrees by the side of a name indicate more knowledge. Shiv Baba tells us that real knowledge is not in books but it comes by knowing about soul, supreme soul and the world drama cycle. This knowledge is given by Shiv Baba in the confluence age by himself to uplift all humans from the present unrighteousness to righteousness which is called Bhagavad Gita. So acquire this supreme knowledge.
‘FRIENDSHIP’ – This is the most valued ten letter word. Generally, in India friendship is either between boys or girls. Rarely, we find friendship between boys and girls except in co-education colleges. Whereas in foreign countries friendship is maintained between male and female and rarely between the same sex. Shiv Baba tells us that real friendship keeps all religions together. With true friendship only the differences between countries and religions can be eliminated and the universe can be a single unit. So maintain a true friendship.
Let us keep the above mentioned ten powerful words in mind along with Shiv Baba’s knowledge to keep the universe united under one rule.