A management graduate was once asked during his interview, “What is the greatest lesson you have learnt about management?” He replied, “An ability to understand and communicate future business trends.” When asked how he would go about this, he answered, “By studying past business trends and applying it in present situations”. He got the job.
After all, a strategist learns from past mistakes, experiments in the present and innovates for the future. But to survive, you have to create a team and inspire them to fight for you.
For this, Chanakya advises, “Being devoted to the training of the troops, he should arrange signals for the arrays by means of musical instruments, banners and flags, when halting, marching or attacking.” (2.33.11)
Here, training is for the future, musical instruments denote inspiration, while signals denote communication.
Once Bill Gates was asked, “What is your biggest success?” He replied, “It’s yet to come”. Matured leaders and businessmen understand this. What you have learnt, is only the past. Your success is the present.
So one should always be alert because the next big idea that can scale up your organisation is yet to come. On the flip side, if you’re unable to communicate the dangers of the future, you can get totally ruined.
The key in strategy is to ‘create’ and ‘direct’ the customers to your products and services.
Let us see some action points for this:
Study past successes
If you want to know what will work in the future, first understand what worked in the past. This is an important base to start from. Now how does one do that? Simple: Either get the information from elders and seniors who were a part of the process, or read books and reports that document the relevant facts and figures.
‘Observe’ demands
After having equipped yourself with past knowledge, look around you: What are the products and services that people are using, or wanting to use? What are the demands, and their supplies? What are the needs of the people of our generation? What would make them complete? Put these questions to others and also to yourself. Seek these answers. Keep your eyes and ears open.
Now ‘create’ the future
The good news is that once you do the previous two steps, you can shape the future yourself. For example, if you find there is a need of trendy clothing among college youth—you can create the next trend by creating a line of clothes that appeals to them. Therefore, the key in strategy is to ‘create’ and ‘direct’ the customers to your products and services.
It’s easy to create the future, if you can look into the past. Because it is nature’s law that what was in the past will become the future in some other form.
As was written in the Nobel prize-winning book Siddhartha, “What goes, comes back to you…”