When the current year had started, hadn’t you set myriad goals to accomplish? But when the daily hustle-bustle and unforeseen circumstances took over, you were left staring at an unfinished to-do list by the end of the year. Now, here is a chance to wrap the ending year on a great note by finishing as many tasks as you can.

Prioritize and see what holds maximum importance to you. What will improve your wellbeing? Even as the challenges and stress of day-to-day life consumes you, a final check-list before the year end will help ease you into the brand new year with hopes and aspirations.

Soulveda enlists 5 things to add to your to-do list before we usher in the new year.

Gratitude Journal

If you have been regularly maintaining a ‘gratitude journal’, you will know it is one of the greatest boons that transforms one’s life. When we start listing what we are grateful for, our mind-sets and attitudes go for a paradigm shift. A worrying, desperate and pessimistic mind gives way to a cheery, hopeful and a positive one when we start to appreciate what we are blessed with. The entire perspective changes leading to a happier and a more satisfied you.

If you have not been able to take out time to write your gratitude journal, now is the time to make it. How refreshing it would be if you also wrote a note of thanks to those who stood by you this year and made a difference in your life? Meet over a cup of coffee, call or simply send a token of love to them. This will reinforce your relationship, brim you with positivity and connect you with those who matter. Isn’t it a fantastic way to round off the year?

In your journal, do not forget to thank yourself too for each tiny or huge accomplishment or good deed. This confidence boosting exercise helps celebrate ‘you’ – patting yourself for each effort made and each endeavour finished.

Health check up

We are now realizing the importance of health like never before.  With the onset of the pandemic, our focus largely shifted to safeguard our health first. Before the year draws to a close, ensure a health check-up which you may been delaying for some time. If there has been a lingering issue, address it now. Remember, prevention is better than cure.

Make it a habit to take age-appropriate tests periodically. Generally, we tend to delay a health issue till it becomes a concern. To maintain productivity and optimum life quality, make sure to pay attention to your health on a priority basis.

Your mental health needs as much attention as physical health. In fact, both are interdependent. When you are physically fit, it makes you mentally agile and a sound mental wellbeing reflects in an active and balanced physical health too. So assess your mental health and slow down. The year ending could be the best time to pause and reflect. Even if you are heading for a holiday, try to ‘disconnect’ to connect with your inner self.

Clutter cleaning

Spring cleaning may be a popular ritual, but an year-end cleaning of one’s physical space can prove to be catalytic to fresh, new beginnings. You may have noticed how a messy and scattered surrounding leaves you irritated whereas an organized and clean place helps you focus better. Take out time in the last week of the year to reorganize and rearrange your physical space. Just look around – there could be an attic, a book shelf or a messy kitchen corner that has been lying unattended to. Why not practice some deep cleaning that helps you unwind as well gives a new life to these areas?

Be it your office desk, home office corner, kitchen shelves or any other neglected corner, decluttering on your ‘year-end to-do list’ will have a magical uplifting effect on you. Remember to declutter your mails, computer and phones too to remove unwanted files and create more space.

Decluttering has a calming effect on one’s brain. In fact, try to do a mental decluttering too before welcoming the new year. It’s a good idea to let go of bothering thoughts to make way for fresh ideas with the onset of a new year.

Pursue that passion

Maybe you wanted to join a dessert making class, but kept pushing it through the year. Maybe certain situations made you put your dream on the backburner. Instead of regretting the loss, put this on your check list! Add your passion and squeeze out time to follow it. Whatever it is that gives you a creative high, prioritize it now!

The hectic life that we lead today leaves us with lesser time for things that truly excite us. So make time for your creative pursuits; not only will it make you more content but will increase mindfulness, adding to your creative high.

Pat yourself

In the to-do-list of things before the year ends, do not forget to add ‘pat yourself’ for all that you could pull this year.

Celebrate every triumph, each small or big win – whether you were able to complete a project on time or stick to your fitness routine, or were able to mend your relationship with your best friend by opening the channel of communication.

Each tiny step should be cherished and celebrated. Further, take out some time to pamper yourself by cooking or ordering your favourite meal, visiting your favourite coffee bar to celebrate ‘you’ or even plan that elusive solo trip now!


What are the 5 things to add to your to-do list before the year ends?

Gratitude journal, health check-up, clutter cleaning, pursue that passion, and pat yourself.

Why should I consider keeping a Gratitude Journal before the year ends?

Keeping a Gratitude Journal can help you reflect on the positive aspects of your life and foster a sense of appreciation. It’s a effective way to cultivate a more positive mindset as you approach the end of the year.

What’s the importance of a health check-up before the year comes to a close?

A health check-up ensures you’re aware of your current health status and can identify any potential issues early on. It’s a proactive step towards maintaining your wellbeing.

How does clutter cleaning contribute to a fresh start before the year ends?

Clearing out clutter from your living spaces creates a sense of organization and helps reduce stress. A clutter-free environment can set a positive tone for the new year and create a more inviting space for personal growth.