Motivational Sadhguru Quotes to Inspire Happiness

Motivate yourself and illuminate your path to happiness with inspiration from Sadhguru

Sadhguru’s ability to address complex topics with clarity and compassion makes his guidance a source of inspiration for many.

Among the learned gurus of our times, Sadhguru has been right at the forefront, consistently inspiring millions. He motivates us not only through his deep and thought-provoking words but also through his dedicated work in protecting the environment and championing various social causes. His teachings offer insight into life, guiding us towards self-awareness and inner peace. With a blend of wisdom and practical advice, Sadhguru is known to illuminate the paths of those seeking happiness and fulfillment.

His ability to address complex topics with clarity and compassion makes his guidance a source of inspiration for many. So, join us as we delve into some of Sadhguru’s motivational quotes that inspire and urge positive action.

In deep, conscious involvement with everything around you, there is no entanglement – there is just joy.

Sadhguru shares that when you are fully engaged and present in your interactions with the world, you experience joy and do not get caught up in problems or complications. By being mindful and aware of everything you do, you learn to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life, one in which you don’t experience the stress of entanglement.

Whatever you do willingly, you enjoy. Whatever you do unwillingly, you suffer.

In this quote, Sadhguru speaks about the connection between our willingness and finding happiness. When you choose to engage in an activity because you genuinely want to, it brings you joy. On the other hand, if you are compelled to do something against your will, it often results in unhappiness. Sadhguru teaches us that true enjoyment and fulfillment come from participating willingly or with an open heart, rather than from acting out of reluctance.

If you do not mess your mind, you will naturally be joyful.

In this teaching, Sadhguru highlights the relationship between a clear mind and automatic joy. He explains that if you do not allow any external factor to mess with your mind, joy will flow into your being naturally. Avoiding negative thoughts, worries, distractions and people allow you to thrive in a zone that is happy and joyous on its own accord. He encourages people to maintain mental clarity and focus, as this state of mind helps them take right decisions and stay content.

Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone.

Sadhguru shares how conflicts with others become less frequent when you are content and happy from within. Your consistent state of bliss helps create naturally harmonious relationships because you are at peace with yourself and this extends to your interactions with others. When there is a sense of calm inside, you don’t go looking for storms outside.

May your decisions be based upon what truly matters and works, not upon your likes and dislikes.

A very important bit of wisdom for a world that’s weighed in likes and dislikes accumulated in one’s social media sites, Sadhguru advises that we should make decisions based on what is truly important and effective to us rather than what we personally prefer. Focusing on what genuinely matters and works leads to better outcomes and more meaningful results. What we like or don’t may not be feasilble or productive in many cases. It is essential to have that discerning eye.

The best thing that you can do for your Guru is what is ultimately best for yourself.

Sadhguru elaborates on how we can honour the spiritual teacher we have in our lives. He states that by prioritising actions that are truly good for ourselves, we can experience personal growth and wellbeing in the bigger picture. This is also the right way towards expressing our appreciation for our guru. It also means that we have truly benefitted from the guidance of such an enlightened teacher.

If ignorance was bliss, by now the whole world should be blissed out.

This is a common saying that Sadhguru takes on and changes our perspective of. He explains that  ignorance does not lead to true happiness as the oft repeated phrase goes. If being unaware or not knowing was the key to bliss, everyone would already be content. Instead, he states that real joy comes from understanding and building an awareness of things around us. It is the path to wisdom—being ignorant only makes us insulated, not wise.

The moment you like or dislike something, you cannot see it the way it is.

We define everything in terms of what we like or don’t. In this statement, Sadhguru states otherwise. He says that when we have strong feelings about something, whether positive or negative, it tends to cloud our judgement. This means that our personal biases and preferences creep in and prevent us from seeing things as they are. Sadhguru suggests that we can gain a clearer view of the situation by letting go of these biases and judging something purely on the basis of its merit.

If you want to take charge of your destiny, the first step is to take charge of your own body and mind.

All of us want to be the captain of our ship. But it is only possible when we know how to steer right. Sadhguru states that in order to shape our future and steer our life in the direction we want, we must begin by taking control of our own body, thoughts and action. He suggests that managing our thoughts and disciplining ourselves are key to influencing and nudging destiny in its right course. Further, by having self-control and being aware of each action we take, we can achieve what we set out to.

Truth is not hidden – you are hiding from it.

In an interesting twist of words, Sadhguru states that truth is usually never hidden from us. It is often our own fears and biases to accept things that keep us from seeing or acknowledging truth. The truth is in fact, always available, if we’re willing to face and accept it. It is much better to face the truth and start the process of reclaiming than hide from it in a bid to escape from our troubles.

If there is something in your life that means a lot to you, do not postpone it.

A classic advise, one for the ages, Sadhguru talks about the importance of not delaying when it comes to what’s important to you. If something matters to you, it’s best to take immediate action rather than putting it off. Pursuing what’s significant to you right away can lead you to your goals and desires at a pace that’s surprising. By acting promptly, you can give yourself the best chance to fulfil your ambitions.

If you understand who you are on the cosmic scale, you will live gently. Let all that you touch be a blessing.

Sadhguru discusses the idea of a person or individual understanding their place in the broader, cosmic scale. He suggests that when we recognise ourselves as a part of a larger existence and universe, it leads to a more peaceful and compassionate way of living. By seeing ourselves as interconnected with the whole universe, just as we are with our nearest and dearest ones, we automatically adopt a gentler and kinder approach to life.

The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking.

Just imagine some of your favourite memories; chances are you are joyous in all of them. Not worried, questioning or doubtful but plain joyous. Sadhguru elaborates on this—he believes that the most fulfilling and beautiful moments come from naturally expressing your joy rather than searching for it. He tells us that joy is the most genuine and satisfying of all emotions, especially when it flows freely from within. If you are seeking, you are in earnest, but it isn’t going to be a part of your best memories; only unadulterated happiness will be.

It is not because of fear that you have ego – because of ego, you have fear.

In humans, its often the ego that creates fear and insecurity within. As most people tend to believe otherwise, Sadhuguru states clearly—that it is not fear that causes ego but rather the presence of ego that generates fear and anxiety. Simply put, it is the threat to hurting one’s ego after taking an action that makes a human fearful of losing. Many humans do not attempt great things just to protect their ego. So, by simply recognising and addressing one’s ego, one can alleviate their fears and live a life of purpose and fearlessness.

The wisdom shared by Sadhguru through his sermons and work offer great insight into happiness and how to nurture it in our lives. His quotes encourage us to be present, embrace our true selves and make decisions based on what truly matters. Most importantly, Sadhguru’s quotes on happiness serve as a reminder that true happiness comes from within and is best achieved through awareness, clarity and genuine expression.


What are some key teachings of Sadhguru?

Sadhguru’s teachings emphasise on one’s inner wellbeing, self-awareness and conscious living.

What are some of Sadhguru’s notable contributions outside of teaching?

Sadhguru has made significant contributions through initiatives like the ‘Rally for Rivers’ campaign, aimed at revitalising India’s rivers and ‘Project GreenHands’, focussed on large-scale afforestation.

What are some popular books written by Sadhguru?

Sadhguru has authored several popular books, including Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, Mystic’s Musings and Death: An Inside Story.

How does Sadhguru address environmental issues?

Sadhguru addresses environmental issues through various initiatives led by his Isha Foundation.




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