Putting family first: Heal and thrive with these 7 benefits of family therapy

If you are looking for ways to improve your family dynamics, family therapy is a great way to do so. It offers a path towards healing and provides support to navigate the many challenges that appear.

While a lot of cinema and pop culture portray loving families and show how they cushion us from a tough world, in reality, navigating relationships within a family does not come easily to many of us. As we journey through life, we transition from children who see our parents as superheroes to rebellious teenagers who test their boundaries. Later, we become adults ourselves, dealing with adulthood’s many complexities and challenges. And along the way, come several misunderstandings, disagreements, fights and hurt feelings that strain many a family bond. From blaming one another for life’s mishaps to feeling unappreciated, we all face challenges in our familial relationships. However, amidst all this, there lies hope and the opportunity for growth.

Family therapy is a form of group counselling that focusses on improving communication, resolving conflicts and enhancing relationships within a family unit. This kind of therapy offers a path towards healing and provides support to navigate the many complexities of family dynamics. International Day of Families is celebrated on May 15th annually. It offers a chance to raise awareness about various challenges and concerns that families face worldwide. It encourages us to come together and address these issues to ensure the wellbeing and happiness of families.  So, join us as we explore some ways in which family therapy can help us heal and bring harmony and love within the family.

Builds empathy and understanding

Many of us have experienced moments when we feel misunderstood by our families. In those moments, we wish if they could just step into our shoes and try to understand what we’re going through. But since everyone is consumed by their own anger and guilt, that seldom happens. Here, family therapy can act as a means to increase empathy and understanding within families. Through therapeutic interventions, family members can understand each other’s perspectives. This empathy promotes mutual respect for our family members and helps strengthen family bonds.

Strengthens parenting skills

Being a parent is as rewarding as it is challenging. In fact, every day brings new tumult with it, from taking care of a child’s needs and tantrums to dealing with the ups and downs of their teenage years. Family therapy provides a supportive space for parents to explore their parenting styles and goals. Therapists offer guidance, feedback and strategies to help parents strengthen their parenting skills, set boundaries and promote healthy parent-child relationships and family unity in the long run.

Heals past wounds

Every family has its share of unresolved issues, things left unsaid or feelings we wish we could express to our siblings or parents during past rifts. Such unresolved matters often affect our relationships and cause irreparable tension     . Having family therapy can help address these issues and provide a safe space where families can heal and bond. Qualified and experienced therapists know how to guide families to forgive and reconcile with each other. Slowly but steadily, by healing past wounds, families can learn to move forward with love and respect.

Improves self-esteem, self-acceptance

Family therapy also promotes individual growth and self-discovery. Through reflective exercises, validation and affirmations, therapists help individual family members recognise their strengths, talents and worth. This leads to improved self-esteem and self-acceptance in individuals, virtues that can help them navigate relationships and life’s challenges better.

Teaches healthy boundaries

Interfering too much in each other’s business can be damaging to any relationship. Every relationship, including those within families, need a proper space to grow. That’s where family therapy helps families learn and apply healthy boundaries. Therapists offer valuable guidance to families in setting clear boundaries with each other while being supportive. By identifying and addressing boundary violations, families learn to cultivate healthier dynamics and reduce conflicts.

Promotes emotional regulation and wellbeing

Becoming too happy, too sad or too agitated can rub off on your near and dear ones. Emotional regulation is thus essential for maintaining mental health and wellbeing within families. Family counselling teaches individuals and their families effective strategies to manage emotions, reduce stress and promote emotional resilience. Therapists help families develop coping skills, relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices so that they can regulate their emotions better. By prioritising emotional health, families thus create a supportive environment that brings growth and happiness.

Prevents future issues, rifts

Family therapy not only addresses current challenges that a family might be facing but also serves as a tool for preventing future issues. By addressing underlying issues during therapy sessions, families learn to prevent conflicts and avoid the development of more serious problems in the future.

Strengthening family bonds, building family values and improving the relationships within is a journey that requires patience and sometimes external support in the form of family therapy. Through various strategies such as increased empathy, strengthened parenting skills and the cultivation of healthy boundaries, it is possible for families to navigate challenges, thrive and grow. On this International Day of Families, let us reflect on the importance of family unity, support and values and celebrate the bonds that bring us together.


What is family therapy?

Family therapy is a form of group counselling that focusses on improving communication, resolving conflicts and enhancing relationships within a family unit.

When should a family consider seeking family therapy?

Families may consider seeking family therapy when they are experiencing conflicts or unresolved issues that are affecting their relationships.

What can families expect during a family therapy session?

During a family therapy session, families can expect to engage in discussions, activities and exercises facilitated by a trained therapist.

Is family therapy effective for all types of families?

Family therapy can be effective for all types of families, including nuclear families, single-parent families and extended families.