Our lives are a whirlwind of emotions. We experience joy, anger, sorrow, hurt and many other emotions, all in a single day sometimes. Emotions drive our personalities to a great extent, guiding our social interactions and lending to our physical and mental wellbeing. A healthy manifestation of emotions is only appropriate for a healthy mind.

Why is it then that we often hear ‘don’t be so sensitive’ when expressing our emotions honestly? Emotional sensitivity is being able to acknowledge, accept and manifest one’s emotions. No emotion should be suppressed neither should it overwhelm a person. For a healthy mind, a combination of experiencing emotions and handling them well is extremely crucial.

We are often told that being too sensitive is a weakness. So we condition ourselves to portray our strong side, one where emotions are suppressed beneath the veneer of an apparent toughness. But how can this be a normal demeanour when emotions govern our physiological functions as much as any other physical process? Emotional sensitivity needs to be appreciated and acknowledged rather than being brushed under the carpet.

In fact, there are too many stigmas and taboos attached to emotions and their expression. This conditioning prevents us from sharing our emotions or accepting them honestly. And not being able to manifest them has detrimental effects on our mental and physical wellbeing.

Soulveda shares why emotional sensitivity is necessary for us to stay healthy in the long run.

A natural trait

“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings,” says Anthon St. Maarten, spiritual advisor and destiny coach. We couldn’t agree more.

Not just humans, other animals are regulated by emotions too. As humans, we are privileged to experience a plethora of emotions. Our emotions arise due to activity in amygdala and other specific regions of the brain, thus making experiencing emotions a natural phenomenon. It is obvious then that processing and expressing them is part of our being too.

If you notice deeply, humans remain connected through their emotions. If you observe yourself, you will find different emotions swaying you throughout the day. But emotions are intangible and therefore, difficult to acknowledge and tough to describe. So it becomes easy to dismiss them or properly process them.

Once we understand that emotions are naturally occurring processes, it becomes easier to own them. So next time you feel angry, express it in a dignified manner rather than suppressing it. Any expression of emotion is critical for a healthy mind. When supressed, they give rise to ambiguity, psychological conditions and unforeseen complications in the long run.  

Brings out empathy

One of the most beautiful gifts to humankind is the ability to share joys and sorrows. When we have a happy moment, our first instinct is to share the news with our loved ones. Similarly, when in doubt or agony, the comfort of another human is the best healing touch. Indeed, reaching out to someone who is in pain, turmoil or hardship is the most natural thing to do. Empathy and compassion are what sustain humans as a society.

We often talk about declining support or an empathetic attitude. It just might lead to a chain of cold-shouldering. Lack of empathy is in fact, in contrast to our intrinsic human nature. And emotional sensitivity is what makes us empathetic. We care, hence we are. And emotional sensitivity is the channel through which we can share and connect with other humans.

A powerful gift

Most artists display emotional sensitivity and channelize that into their art and talent. Emotional sensitivity is what allows them to observe, connect and create works of beauty and great intent. Emotional sensitivity can thus be the most powerful tool if emotions are channelised and manifested well.

When our emotions stay unchecked, we stay in a rut. Instead of trying to work on ourselves, we enter a toxic relationship cycle where we blame others for our suffering. Thus emotions and their regulation are important to give direction to our sensitivity.

It is important to remember that when we believe that the chaos in our lives can give rise to opportunities, we stop fearing or denying our emotions and the storms they bring.

A great career tool

Can your sensitivity be a powerful tool in steering your career? The answer is a whopping yes. As an emotionally sensitive person, you are aware of your inner self as well as your surroundings. This brings a unique clarity that leads to breakthroughs and creative solutions to problems at work, giving you an edge over others.

Your emotional sensitivity also helps strike genuine connections with co-workers. It is known that managing relationships at the workplace is a ‘make or break’ skill to have. One must learn to keep the stress away, build team cohesiveness and master conflict management to have a great career. Emotional sensitivity helps in acing all these; we become adept at recognising feelings beneath the surface and are better equipped to address any situation.

So, learn to appreciate positive emotions and acknowledge negative emotions with an intention to resolve them better. Truly, emotional sensitivity, when manifested and channelized is a treasure worth harnessing for achieving all the good things in life.


How does possessing emotional sensitivity contribute to a healthy mind?

Emotional sensitivity allows individuals to process and understand their emotions, promoting emotional well-being and mental health.

Why does emotional sensitivity bring out empathy in individuals?

Being emotionally sensitive enables individuals to connect deeply with others’ feelings, fostering empathy and meaningful relationships.

How is emotional sensitivity considered a powerful gift for overall mental well-being?

Emotional sensitivity empowers individuals to navigate their emotions effectively, leading to better emotional regulation and overall mental health.

In what ways does emotional sensitivity serve as a valuable career tool for a healthy mind?

Emotional sensitivity enhances communication, teamwork, and understanding in professional settings, contributing to a positive work environment and promoting mental well-being.