World Emoji Day: Cheers to our cute and well understood ‘emojinal’ connections

It's difficult to imagine modern communication without emojis. They help bridge the gap in understanding emotions that can sometimes be hard to express in written words.

A yellow circle with a face that’s laughing so hard that its crying. Another one that’s crying a river of tears in sorrow. One such cartoon face with hearts in its eyes, to show the person sending it loves you. Really, can you imagine a life without emojis anymore? They have become integral to our communication. Whether through social media platforms or everyday text messages, these tiny and cute icons have changed how we convey emotions and have conversations. They help bridge the gap in understanding one’s tone and emotion that can sometimes be hard to convey in written words alone.

Research supports the notion that emojis play a significant role in enhancing our relationships and communication. According to a study published in the journal ‘Social Psychological and Personality Science’, researchers found that using emojis in communication can lead to a perception of warmth. The study highlighted that people who use emojis in their conversations are perceived as more friendly and approachable.

Interestingly, World Emoji Day is celebrated annually on July 17th and it aims to highlight the importance of emojis in digital communication and their cultural impact. World Emoji Day recognises the role emojis play in enhancing communication across cultures and languages. Moreover, this day serves as a reminder of how emojis have become an integral part of our modern lives, influencing how we express ourselves and connect with others. On this day, join us as we explore the ways in which emojis make us happier and enhance our relationships.

Help us understand emotions better

Emoji Day

Just imagine you have had a long and tiring day, and a close friend or a family member sends you a hug emoji. This seemingly tiny act instantly lifts your spirits. Similarly, receiving a sad emoji from someone dear lets you know they’re going through a rough patch. Emojis play a crucial role in helping you connect with your and other people’s immediate emotions. They represent feelings, making it easier for you to convey your own emotions and understand that of others. Further, by associating specific emojis with particular emotions, you develop self-awareness and sensitivity to emotional cues in digital interactions.

Enhance our emotional expression

At times, words fail to fully capture our emotions, and this is where emojis come to our rescue. They help us improve our conversations by allowing us to express feelings like joy, humour, sadness and affection in a way that sometimes words alone cannot. This ability to add depth to our digital messages makes communication more engaging and authentic. When we use emojis, it’s like creating a more expressive exchange. This emotional expression deepens our connection with others.

Facilitate our social connection


Emojis have seamlessly integrated into social causes, where online platforms rally support for various issues like animal welfare or environmental conservation by encouraging users to simply drop a heart or a tree emoji. This simple gesture brings people together, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose in digital spaces. Emojis help people connect better by showing emotions like empathy and agreement too. They help build friendships by making conversations warmer and more enjoyable.

Boost our engagement and interaction

Imagine a group chat where friends are discussing weekend plans. Someone suggests a hiking trip and another responds with a series of hiking boots and mountain emojis. Instantly, the conversation picks up pace as others chime in with their excitement using emojis of tents, backpacks and nature scenes. This simple use of emojis not only captures attention but also sparks enthusiasm. Emojis boost engagement by adding fun to digital conversations. They strengthen connections and enhance interactions that people have in social media and messaging apps.

Enhance cultural and universal appeal

Consider two friends chatting online—one from Tokyo and the other from New York. Despite the distance and their different native languages, they share their excitement about an upcoming event using emojis such as fireworks and dancing figures. These universal symbols of celebration convey their emotions just right and create a shared sense of anticipation. Emojis, with their cultural and universal appeal, serve as a language that transcends geographical and linguistic barriers.

As American writer, Emmy J Favilla states, “Emojis are by no means taking away from our written language but rather accentuating it by providing a tone that words on their own often cannot. They are, in a sense, the most evolved form of punctuation we have at our disposal.” She highlights how emojis help us express our emotions more accurately in online conversations. They bridge cultural and language barriers, making communication clearer and more engaging for everyone involved.
Indeed, emojis have the power to make people happier and improve relationships by helping people express their emotions better, connect socially and communicate clearly. Around the world, emojis help increase engagement and unite cultures in online conversations. World Emoji Day is then, for everyone!


What is World Emoji Day and why is it celebrated?

World Emoji Day is celebrated on July 17th annually and it aims to highlight the importance of emojis in digital communication.

ow do positive emojis enhance communication?

Positive emojis are an expression of happiness, they enhance communication by adding emotion to messages, making them more expressive.

What is the most popular emoji?

According to various studies, the ‘face with tears of joy’ emoji is cited as the most popular emoji worldwide.

How do emojis help bridge cultural differences?

Emojis help bridge cultural differences by promoting easy and universal understanding in digital conversations.


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