Arjun had always wanted to pursue a career as an aeronautical engineer. He had read up about it a lot and felt prepared when he started college. However, as the weeks went by, he found the course much more challenging than he had anticipated. While his classmates seemed to grasp complex concepts effortlessly, Arjun struggled. Their knowledge and confidence made him feel even more inadequate. The casual jeer from his peers that maybe he was ‘not cut out for this’ pierced through him, leaving him feeling beaten and lonely.

One afternoon, as he was about to leave the library, he noticed an elderly man with sparkly eyes sitting at a nearby table, surrounded by books. The man was Professor Rao, a retired professor known for his wisdom and kindness. Arjun had heard stories about him but had never met him before.

Tentatively, he approached the professor. “Excuse me, Prof, can I talk to you for a moment, please?”

Prof Rao looked up at him with a warm smile. “Of course, young man. What’s on your mind?”

Arjun hesitated before speaking. “I’m struggling with my studies and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to improve. My friends think I’m hopeless and I’m starting to believe them.”

The professor’s eyes softened. “I’ve been where you are, Arjun. When I was a student, I struggled just like you. I faced disappointment many times and doubted myself too.”

Arjun’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? But you became a professor. How did you overcome it?”

“Well, it wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. But I learned a few things along the way. The first one being not to let let others define your worth. Only you can determine your potential. And that hard work and persistence can turn even the most challenging situations around.”

Arjun listened intently as Prof Rao continued. “There was a time when I was failing an important subject in college. My peers thought I’d never make it but I didn’t give up. I shut out the chatter outside and studied every day, asked questions and sought help. Slowly, I began to understand the course material better. And when I took the exam, I came second in that subject. So, it was the effort I put that made the difference.”

Arjun’s eyes filled with determination. “So, you’re saying I can improve if I work hard?”

“Exactly, it’s all about how hard you’re willing to work and how much you believe in yourself,”  Prof Rao said.

Inspired, Arjun began to study harder. He created a study schedule and practiced regularly. Sometimes, he kept reading mechanically till he knew the concepts like the back of his hand. There were moments of frustration and exhaustion, but he persisted, keeping the professor’s advice close to his heart.

When he wrote his exam a few weeks later, he felt confident. And when the exam results were announced, Arjun’s heart raced as he looked at his scores—he had passed with good marks!

He couldn’t wait to share the good news with Prof Rao. He found the teacher in the library and almost ran to him with a broad smile. “Prof Rao, I did it! I got great marks this term!”

The professor’s eyes sparkled with pride. “I knew you could, Arjun. You just needed to believe in yourself and put in the effort.”

“Thank you for sharing your inspiring story, Prof. It made all the difference.”

“You did the hard work, Arjun. Always remember, with belief and action, you can achieve everything.”

And in this way, Arjun learned that motivation and perseverance were key to overcoming obstacles of any kind. He carried this lesson with him everywhere, from one success to another.