This too shall pass | Soulveda

This too shall pass

In a fleeting moment, their eyes met. Embarrassed, she turned away and wiped the stream of tears from her face.

It hadn’t been too long since Raman last saw her—at the same spot, under the tree by the football field at the university. Her knees folded, pressed against her chest, arms wrapped tightly around them. She rocked gently… sniffling all the while. Scores of students entered and exited the university campus. Being one of the popular students, Raman knew several of them. Yet, this was only the second time he’d seen the girl.

A loud sound brought him out of his reverie. It was her phone. She rummaged through her bag to find her phone, and read, perhaps, what was a disheartening text, before letting out a wail and burying her face in her knees. Had she lost a loved one? Was it heartbreak? Or did she find it difficult to cope? Raman thought.

Raman returned to his room, poignant. He sank into the couch as he pulled out a yellowed piece of paper from his wallet.

In a fleeting moment, their eyes met. Embarrassed, she turned away and wiped the stream of tears from her face. It didn’t take too long for Raman to know what had to be done next. He walked swiftly over to the café, packed a cup of hot chocolate, scribbled something on a napkin, and handed them over to her before walking away.

The sadness, at least for that moment, had waned. She smiled.

Raman returned to his room, poignant. He sank into the couch as he pulled out a yellowed piece of paper from his wallet. It was a note he had once received when he’d thought all was lost.

He smiled as he read it. “This too shall pass.”


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