Sejal had recently received an unexpected opportunity at work, a promotion and a chance to move to Germany. It was a dream come true in every way, but a part of her felt concerned. Her elderly parents relied on her for care and support, and the thought of leaving them behind made her anxious. Even after days of pondering on it, she couldn’t decide. Finally, after having many discussions with Janaki, her best friend since childhood, Sejal reluctantly accepted the job.

As days turned into weeks in Berlin, Sejal settled into her new role, but she often found herself worried about her parents back home. She called Janaki regularly, venting her worries out to her. The two girls had grown up as neighbours in a small town, sharing secrets, dreams, gossip and endless laughter. Nobody knew Sejal better than Janaki. And as always, Janaki asked her not to worry so much and promised her that everything would fall into place.

One evening, after Sejal finished at work, she called her dad. When he answered, she could sense something was off.

“Hey, Dad! How’s Ma? What are you guys upto?” she asked.

“Dear child, how are you? Your Ma is not feeling well, but don’t worry,” her dad replied, his voice slightly strained. Before she could say anything more, the call dropped.

“Dad? Can you hear me?” Sejal shouted into her phone, but there was only silence.

“Aaargh! What am I doing here?” she screamed into the air as she tried to call her father again and again.

Feeling helpless, she walked around her small apartment, worry flooding her body. Just when she thought she might lose her mind, her phone lit up with an incoming video call. With trembling hands, she answered it.

To her surprise, she was greeted by the faces of her Ma, sipping soup from a bowl, her father, smiling, and Janaki!

“Hello, hello dear!” Janaki said, her eyes twinkling. “The internet went down for a bit. Also, aunty has caught a slight cold with changing seasons. So, relax, there’s no need for you to panic!”

Sejal sighed with relief. “Ma! I was so worried! I thought…”

Janaki laughed, “We’re all fine! And to be honest, uncle and aunty have found a wonderful replacement for you—me! So please don’t bother us by calling so often! Let me work my magic around them!”

Sejal chuckled through her tears. “I got so scared, a million thoughts came to my mind…Hey, what are you all eating?”

“Your favourite! Mushroom curry and rice, and some soup for your mother,” her dad replied.

“Save some for me when I visit!” Sejal said, her smile finally returning.

As they chatted, the miles between them seemed to vanish. Janaki had really stepped up, making Sejal realise that no matter where she was, their friendship was like a bond of sisterhood that could handle anything. Slowly but surely, her worries faded, replaced by the warmth and strength of family.