Satsang: Teaching and guiding everyone to live a worldly way of life

What is Satsang?

"Satsang is nothing but the safest and easiest spiritual routine that we can give to ourselves," writes Dada JP Vaswani.

It always gives me great pleasure to see young men and women attending Satsang. I firmly believe that Satsang is good for all ages, all stages of man’s life. People often make the mistake of assuming that Satsang is the prerogative of older people, who have more or less withdrawn from active life and wish to have nothing further to do with the world and its affairs. On the other hand, Satsang can teach all of us, young and old alike, how to lead our worldly life and conduct our worldly affairs in the right spirit, in the right manner, and with the right attitude. We would do well to remember that God’s grace is not akin to a pension fund, reserved for senior citizens. It is grace abounding for us all, now and forever. We do not have to be sixty-five-years old to attain God’s grace. It came to Bhakta Prahlada when he was still a child; it came to Dhruva when he was still a little boy. Age is not a factor that determines our link with God.

People often wonder what exactly goes on in a Satsang. What are the disciplines prescribed? What is the message of the discourses? What is the message conveyed through them? So let me tell you a little about the Sadhu Vaswani Satsang. The discourses in our Satsang are universal in approach. The main teaching given is this: the gift of human birth so freely bestowed on all of us is invaluable. Saints and sages of all faiths and of all ages have emphasised that human life is God’s greatest gift to us. But it is a gift that is meant to fulfil a purpose. It is a rare and valuable gift, and not meant to be wasted on earthly pleasures. It should be used to achieve the ultimate goal—liberation through the service of the Lord and the suffering children of the Lord.

Satsang is nothing but the safest and easiest spiritual routine that we can give to ourselves.

One of the disciplines we practice in Satsang is to sit in silence, meditate and go within the self. For, we believe, that in the practice of silence, we get answers to the most profound questions that vex our minds. In silence, we perceive our true selves.

Satsang is nothing but the safest and easiest spiritual routine that we can give to ourselves. It cleanses and purifies our hearts. This cleansing of mind and heart is done through the chanting of the name divine, associating with men of God, as well as with like-minded aspirants who share our quest for liberation, through kirtan, bhajan, and recitations from the sacred scriptures, as well as listening to discourses that enlighten us. Just as we clean our body with soap and water, similarly we can purify our mind and heart by washing them in the waters of the spirit, the amrit dhara, that flows perennially in Satsang.


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