Today, many of us are pet parents to beautiful little cats, dogs, rabbits and others. As guardians, we want to shower them with the best of everything. And while that’s possible at home, we often face a dilemma when it comes to travelling or going on a holiday with them. The thought of leaving our furry friends behind can be stressful, especially when we consider the logistics involved—finding a reliable pet sitter can be a challenge and if we do find someone, we often worry about whether they can handle our pet’s needs or not, like taking them for walks or giving them the medication and attention they deserve. This can then lead to seeking additional help, like a dog walker or getting a friend to just check on them from time to time. The whole process becomes nothing less than overwhelming.

As a result, many of us end up staying at home instead of going on that much-needed getaway. Or we rely on someone or the other and have a vacation riddled with concern for our pets. However, there is hope. With a little planning and preparation, we can afford to have a stress-free travel experience with our beloved pets.

Here are some pet travel tips that can make that next getaway enjoyable for everyone involved.

Visit vet before travelling

One of the first things to do before you head out on your holiday with your pet is to take your pet to the vet for a check-up. Your vet can provide you with any necessary medications or advice that you might need for travelling with your pet. If your pet has any specific health concerns, discussing them with your vet can help you plan your tour accordingly. In addition to this, you can also ask for a copy of your pet’s medical records—this can be helpful in case of emergencies. Knowing that your pet is fit to travel will give you that much-needed peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your getaway without being constantly worried.

Ensure comfortable car seating

When it comes to travelling with your pet, comfort is key! Making sure your furry friend feels relaxed and secure in the car can lead to a much smoother journey for the both of you. To create a cosy environment in the back seat, start by installing a pet seat cover or blanket. If your pet has a favourite blanket or toy, do not forget to bring it along as familiar items can make them feel more at home and less stressed during rides. For added safety, consider using a pet seat belt—this keeps your pet securely in their spot.

Provide ample food and water

Just like us, pets need regular meals to stay happy and energised. Packing enough food and water for your pet is essential for a smooth travel experience. Even better, try to pack homemade food, as it ensures that your pet gets nutritious meals instead of junk food. You can also include some of their favourite treats to keep them happy in case of roadblocks of any kind.

Additionally, remember to maintain their feeding schedule to help them feel more at ease. Try to stick to their usual routine as much as possible. And don’t forget to bring their water bowl! Offering them water during breaks and whenever they seem thirsty will help keep them comfortable and happy on the road.

Take regular breaks

Taking regular breaks during your trip is essential for both you and your pet. Stop every few hours to let your pet stretch their legs and essentially, relax a little. This will help prevent restlessness, especially in those who are fussy or scaredy by nature.

During these breaks, you can also take a moment to relax and recharge. Enjoy some fresh air and make sure to give your pet some attention—pet them, play a little. This bonding time can strengthen your connection, make them feel secure and make the journey more fun for both.

Pack first-aid kit

Packing a first aid kit for your pet is a smart and crucial way to prepare for any unexpected situations. Ensure that you pack bandages, antiseptic wipes and any medications that your pet may need. You can also add a copy of your pet’s medical records, just in case you need to visit a vet during your travelling period. Having a first aid kit will help you feel more prepared and confident for anything that might come your way.

Book pet-friendly accommodation

Make sure to book pet-friendly accommodations. This might be the most important part of your vacation planning since it is dependent on permission and external factors. Fortunately, today many hotels and rental properties welcome pets—but it’s better to confirm their policies in advance. Check for specific amenities they offer for pets, like dog parks or walking areas and any additional fees they charge.

Having a pet-friendly place to stay will allow you to enjoy your trip in a better way while also assuring your furry friend has a comfortable environment to relax.

Having a pet makes life wonderful but travelling with them can be an extraordinary experience altogether, if you simply take the time to plan ahead. With a little preparation, you won’t just pull off a successful getaway together, you’ll also make memories worth cherishing for years to come.


How can I help my pet adjust to travelling?

Start by taking your pet on shorter trips to help them get used to being in the car. Steadily, you can increase the duration of your trips.

What can I do if my pet gets car sick?

Consult your vet for advice. They may recommend certain medications or tips to help manage their nausea during travel.

How much food and water should I pack for my pet?

Pack enough food for your trip. It is always good to pack a little extra, just in case.

What should my pet’s first aid kit include?

Your pet’s first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, any medications they might need and a copy of their medical records for emergencies.