Two is company – this saying rings perfectly true when you are trying to workout. Whether sweating it out at a gym, going for long morning walks or doing yoga daily, a workout buddy or partner helps immensely. No matter how strong, confident and motivated one is, a workout buddy always help to extract the best out of us. Many times, it becomes challenging to endure the rigour of a workout despite setting concrete goals. But with someone who gives you positive vibes, working out can be fun and stress alleviating too. You can find your partner in the form of a co-worker, a friend or a mate from the gym with whom you develop a comfort level and love to take the daily challenge of workouts head on.
With a workout buddy, you can even challenge yourself beyond your perceived limits. A partner can enhance your experience, making it fun and soothing. To get the complete benefit out of a workout, a happy and relaxed mind is essential and a workout buddy brings with him or her companionship, pushing you towards goals in a humane way.
A British Journal of Sports Medicine study, which involved nearly 50,000 participants, found that lack of physical activity was directly associated with severe cases of COVID-19. Post pandemic, the awareness towards health and fitness has increased with people squeezing out time to devote to fitness as they want to enrich their lives holistically. So even if you have not exercised regularly till now, this may be the time to initiate a fitness regimen. Of course, you need to consult your physician before plunging into any form of exercise. But when you do begin, a companion to move you out of inertia and keep you motivated will be your best bet.
Let’s explore the benefits that a partner can bring to your workout schedule.
Motivation boost
Finding motivation to workout can be a challenge. A partner acts as that motivation when there are so many distractions. As our lifestyles have become technology dependent and sedentary, it has become even more difficult to sweat it out, spending an hour at the gym or working out at home.
Simply talking to someone who is consistently achieving their fitness goals motivates us to move along the path of fitness. However, to plunge into a sustainable journey of fitness, having a partner is beneficial. For instance, there could be days when it becomes difficult to get out of bed. Imagine your workout buddy showing up – you find yourself getting ready even when subconsciously, you may not want to get going!
During the pandemic, when moving outdoors or working out with people became difficult, online groups provided a much needed support. Now that we are back to normalcy, you can choose your preferred exercise regimen, especially one with a companion to keep the motivation level high. Also, it’s easy to start an exercise schedule, but difficult to sustain it. With a workout buddy, manoeuvring a tough session also seems doable.
Trying new workouts
You may be a gym freak, but your partner might find cycling interesting. So, on some days you can go cycling together. It’s an excellent cardio workout which strengthens one’s lower body too. Fortunately, today we have varied forms of working out like Zumba, Pilates, power yoga and a bunch of outdoor exercises to choose from.
With a workout buddy, one feels motivated to try a new workout. It breaks the monotony while cementing a bond with one’s workout buddy. Also, exercising with a partner might just inspire one to increase the intensity of their workouts.
Friendly banter helps
Intense workouts can prove to be daunting after the initial excitement and motivation levels decline. Just like a friend or a loved one helps us navigate any stressful situation; a partner may also help alleviate stress during exercise sessions. A few laughs, some friendly banter helps to sustain the momentum. Even a hard exercise regimen can be accomplished when a trusted companion throws in some fun and light-hearted talks.
If you have a great camaraderie with your partner, you will not even realise how quickly and smoothly the session passes. You will simply enjoy the time together. So when looking for a companion to workout with, take time to choose someone with similar goals, schedules and commitment. Your partner should make you feel better about yourself and your experience. Remember, a great gym buddy will inspire you to workout regularly.
Achieving goals together
Your fitness journey should be goal-oriented too. A proper workout regimen will have short-term as well as long-term goals. The emotional support of someone you trust can serve as powerful reinforcement for fitness goals.
Setting goals and keeping each other motivated to achieve the same is one of the best perks of taking a fitness journey together. Imagine setting a goal of running 5 km; while achieving this as a solitary runner may seem challenging and stressful, with a running mate one will tend to give it their best shot. As a healthy yet competitive spirit ensues, both of you will achieve goals faster.
The sense of accomplishment of fitness goals together can even lead to a celebration that will refresh and rejuvenate you to set and chase the next goal together.
Safer indoors and outdoors too
You may be an early riser, keen to watch the first rays of sun as you push outdoors on a run, jog, long walk or on a cycle. Not just for companionship, you will feel much safer with a partner. Similarly, in an indoor location too, whether in your gym, dance or Pilates class, a partner will make you feel safer.
Running through empty streets alone in the morning may not be too safe. Similarly, trying to lift weights at the gym can lead to injuries. It certainly makes sense to have a companion watching out for you as you try to press heavier weights.
Indeed, with a workout buddy, you are safe, motivated to achieve goals faster and ready to sustain the regimen to draw maximum output out of your effort.