Unveiling Canine Emotions: Do Dogs Experience Depression?

Do pets get depressed?

When we adopt pets, they become a part of our family, and any form of separation can take a toll on them emotionally.

About a month back, when I returned from a week-long trip, I noticed something very unusual about my dog Lucy’s behaviour. She was cold and distant. I thought she was upset with me for being away from her and that bothered me. Days passed by and I noticed Lucy started isolating herself. She was no longer our ever-cheerful and active pooch, running and jumping around, warmly cuddling up to us. She seemed angry and vengeful most of the time, often snapping, growling and barking at us. This wasn’t our affectionate Lucy. There was something very wrong. Besides, it wasn’t just the change in her behaviour, but also her growing obsessive skin licking habit that bothered us. It was abnormal. I noticed deep wounds around the licked areas.

My dad didn’t waste any more time and got in touch with a vet, who diagnosed her with depression and anxiety. We were alarmed. We had no knowledge that like humans, even pets suffer from depression. The vet told us Lucy’s incessant licking habit, also known as Acral lick granuloma was associated with her depression. He put her immediately on antibiotics. But, we still had to address the underlying cause for her depression—giving her more quality time. I acted upon the vet’s advice of giving Lucy more attention, almost immediately. Be it by taking a day off for her or including her in family and social gatherings—I did it all to make Lucy feel wanted, loved and cared for.

I also consulted a pet psychologist who advised me to exercise Lucy’s mind that would help in stimulating her mental health and avoid stress. Playing fun games and some challenging brain workouts did help to improve her condition. Within two weeks, I witnessed a change in her behaviour. Lucy was back being her original self—the cuddly and jovial little pup, always jumping around the house with joy. We were so happy at her recovery and so much more aware of how to take better care of our furry baby.

However, unlike me, not all pet parents can spare long hours with their canines nor can they spot signs of depression in their pets. They can talk to dog consultants, who can introduce depressed canines to interesting games like sniffing, puzzles and other fun mental games. Exercising a pet’s mind is like pranayama—it enhances its overall wellbeing.

When we adopt pets, they become a part of our family and get strongly connected with each member in the house.

Yet in some cases, depression proves fatal. For instance, when my friend Ankita got a parrot home, it badly affected her cat, Tim. Tim used to be a very loving and playful kitten. He suddenly went into isolation. Neither love nor any medical intervention helped Tim come out of that state and he passed away six months later. According to Dr. Lohith, a renowned vet surgeon at the Bangalore Pet Hospital, “Sometimes a new animal in the family can make your pet depressed. They easily get upset and disturbed when that love and attention gets divided.”

In fact, it’s almost the same when a baby is born in a family that already has an older pet. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the family to prepare the pet prior to the new arrival. If you have a dog, sign on for obedience classes so that it gets well-trained and prepared for the new member. In the case of a newborn, gradually try to expose your pets to children’s parks and grounds, take them for evening walks, and teach them to be friendly around kids. Hiring a dog trainer can also be an option in such cases.

However, it’s not always a new addition to the family or an illness that causes depression in pets. It is often seen that when pets get separated from a loving home, they slip into depression and other psychological disorders. When we adopt pets, they become a part of our family and get strongly connected with each member in the house. Any form of separation takes a toll on them emotionally. They undergo terrible emotional trauma due to such separation anxiety. Sharing her own experience with depressed pets, Sanjana Madappa, an adoption counsellor at CUPA, recalls the case of a German Shepherd that started falling ill after his owner left him at the centre. “It looked like he wanted to die. He stopped eating for the first 5-6 days and lost all weight. It was very heartbreaking to see him in that condition and later he was sent to a foster home where he started getting better,” Sanjana said. Sometimes pet parents are forced by circumstances to leave their pets in shelter homes, without realising the consequences.

It’s important to remember that pets are emotionally sensitive and their wellbeing relies heavily on the environment we provide. Just like us, they form strong emotional bonds and can experience sadness, anxiety and depression. Understanding the changes in their behavior is important to helping them feel secure and loved. By being attentive to their needs, we can make sure they are happy and healthy.

So, if you are planning to put your pets up for adoption or separating them from you, make sure to prepare them well. While seeking a good foster home, make sure you introduce the pet to its new family and help them establish a good relationship. Once the pet becomes friendly enough with the new family, you may sometimes try leaving it at their home for a few hours to observe its reactions and behaviour at the new place. You may also consult a pet psychologist to ease in the change for the pet.

Pets are like our own babies—all they need is love, care, attention and some quality time. When we fail to do that, they get depressed or sad just like humans do. It takes a great deal of responsibility, awareness and patience to understand their unspoken, unsaid feelings and address their mood swings and changing behaviour. So, look out for the signs of depression, seek professional help and ensure you revive your pets back in no time! Their wellbeing, is, after all, our wellbeing too.


Can pets experience depression?

Yes, pets can experience depression and anxiety.

What are the signs of depression in pets?

Signs of depression in pets can include changes in behaviour, such as withdrawal, aggression, loss of appetite, and obsessive habits.

What can cause depression in pets?

Factors such as separation from their human family members, new additions to the family, or being placed in shelter homes can contribute to pet depression.

How can I help my depressed pet?

Increasing attention, spending quality time, providing mental stimulation through games and exercises, and seeking professional help from a vet or pet psychologist can aid in helping a depressed pet.

What should I do if I need to separate from my pet?

When separating from a pet, it is important to prepare them well, introduce them to their new family or foster home, and consult a pet psychologist to ease the transition.


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