Education Empowerment: International Day Celebrations

Keep your brain happy: Interesting reasons to keep learning new things

Learning isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's a gateway to enhancing our mental health and adding a dash of happiness and fulfillment into our lives!

Many times in life, we find comfort in the familiar and settle for routines that are stable and predictable. By embracing the known, we feel content. But we also, accidentally perhaps, forsake the pursuit of learning. We tend to forget that while the familiarity offers a sense of security, the complacency that accompanies it hinders our mental wellbeing. Indeed, the reluctance to step beyond our comfort zone denies us the enriching experiences that come with learning new skills.

Acquiring new skills is more than just learning new things. The acquiring of new skills elevate our mood, reduce stress and enhance our emotional resilience. International Day of Education, observed on January 24th is a global acknowledgement of the importance of education and learning new skills in shaping individuals. This day serves as a platform to highlight the role of education in development and social inclusion. Join us as we explore five compelling reasons why education and learning new skills can be great for your wellbeing.

Active and agile mind

Learning a new skill is like giving our brains a workout! It’s the ultimate mental gym that pumps up our brainpower. When our brain is challenged with acquiring a new skill, it enhances its capacity for learning and problem-solving. This process sharpens our mental acuity, reduces the risk of cognitive decline and also enhances our overall mental wellbeing.

Stress reduction and emotional resilience

Doing the same thing every day can become monotonous and drain your enthusiasm for life. And while learning a new skill demands more effort, it offers several benefits. Engaging in the pursuit of a fresh skill provides a welcome break from everyday pressures and thus helps reduce our stress levels. Additionally, the satisfaction derived from mastering a new skill helps improve our mood and builds confidence.

Cultivating a growth mindset

Taking on the challenge of learning a new skill can cultivate a growth mindset and make us believe in our capability to learn and develop. This shift in thinking allows us to see failures as chances to learn rather than as roadblocks. It builds determination and encourages a positive attitude in facing challenges. Consequently, this positive approach helps us in overcoming obstacles in the larger picture of life.

Sense of purpose, fulfilment and joy

Learning a new skill has a profound impact on our happiness. Experts suggest that acquiring new skills can elevate our happiness levels and ignite a sense of purpose and fulfillment. The pursuit of knowledge brings a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. It adds richness to life, creating a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. This newfound purpose makes life more meaningful and rewarding.

Social connections, community engagement

Acquiring a new skill often involves connecting with others who share similar interests. This encourages social connections and cultivates a sense of belonging. Engaging with like-minded individuals also contributes to improved mental health by alleviating feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Let’s celebrate International Education Day by embracing the transformative power of learning. Remember that each new skill mastered is a stepping stone towards a more fulfilled self. So, on this special day, let us gift ourselves the joy of discovery and enhance our mental wellbeing through education and new skills.


How does learning a new skill positively impact mental wellbeing?

Learning a new skill reduces stress, cultivates a sense of purpose and enhances social connections. All of this positively impacts our mental wellbeing.

What are some skills that benefit our mental health?

Skills such as painting or playing a musical instrument, physical activities like yoga or dancing and learning new languages have been shown to positively impact mental health.

How can learning new skills combat feelings of stagnation or boredom?

Engaging in the pursuit of new skills adds excitement to our life and helps combat feelings of stagnation or boredom.

Is there an age limit to start learning new skills?

No, there’s no age limit to learning new skills. Individuals can begin at any stage of life.




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