Men’s Health Month: Easy Tips for Better Mental Health

Men’s Health Month: An easy guide to managing your mental health better

The various demands that men deal with, from job challenges to personal life dilemmas, contribute to unseen stress levels in men. Keeping a check is crucial.

The world we live in today has advanced in many ways; technology has soared, bringing with it ease of living for many. However, the grind of everyday effects the strongest of us, men or women notwithstanding. A myth goes about though, about how men shouldn’t express when they feel blue. A myth that hurts those that believe in it. June is Men’s Health Month and a reminder that every man that we know and love, deserves help when it comes to taking care of their mental wellbeing.

Gone are the days when famous men refused to speak about mental health, thinking it would bring their popularity down. Today, celebrities like actor Dwayne Johnson, singer Zayn Malik, British royalty Prince Harry have all spoken about the various mental health issues they have faced. In 2007, American actor Owen Wilson shocked his friends when he attempted suicide at his California home. Through a magazine, he took the opportunity to come clean about his battle with depression and drug addiction. By speaking out, these famous men made thousands of people aware of not just mental health but how one could reach out and seek help to make their lives better.

We all are aware of the stereotype that men around the world are strong and capable of dealing with challenges without showing any signs of vulnerability. This perception often leads men to ignore their mental health needs. And so, it is even more important for men to understand that experiencing emotional highs and lows is a very real thing, one that can affect their wellbeing.

The demands of modern work environments like tight deadlines and long hours, the challenges of balancing professional responsibilities with one’s personal life and the advent of social media, all contribute to elevated stress levels among men. The need to excel in one’s career and the pressure of family and social obligations add to this. The conditioning that they must financially provide for their families and manage economic stability can impact their mental health further. By recognising and addressing these challenges, men can cope and deal with them better.

Men’s Health Month serves as a platform to raise awareness about men’s health issues. During this month, various initiatives and events are organised to encourage men to prioritise their wellbeing.

So, join us as we take this opportunity to explore some effective ways in which you can identify the blues you feel and learn how to manage them better.

Recognising something’s wrong

Due to age old societal ideas around masculinity, its seen that men often don’t express their feelings and emotions freely. It then becomes extremely important to pay attention when any symptoms develop. Understanding and identifying symptoms such as changes in one’s behaviour, mood swings, increased irritability, withdrawal from social activities or changes in sleep patterns can help in early intervention and offer much-needed support.

Further, friends and family members can also offer support and encourage men to seek professional help by recognising these symptoms early on.

Expressing through journalling

Our emotions can, at times, be challenging to understand. Sometimes, we find it difficult to express what we’re feeling, which can lead to confusion or even suppression of our emotions. Journaling or writing one’s feelings down tends to offer a private space where men can explore their emotions without fear of judgment. It allows them to delve deeper into their thoughts and feelings. Through journaling, men can identify triggers that affects their mental state. It also serves as a therapeutic tool for processing emotions. By regularly engaging in this practice, men can cultivate a healthier relationship with their emotions.

Sharing emotions, communicating openly

Men's Mental Health

“If we start being honest about our pain, our anger and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it,” the famous American football quarterback Russell Wilson once said. Wilson simply highlights the importance of openness and communication in one’s overall wellbeing, of how one must be open about their pain and anger and not pretend like they don’t exist.

In fact, encouraging open communication is the key to addressing most of men’s mental health issues. By openly discussing your pain, anger and vulnerabilities, you can learn to ease your burden. Open communication not only breaks down stigmas surrounding men’s mental health but also paves the way for a healthier lifestyle.

Keeping friends and family close

Having a solid support system is crucial to one’s wellbeing. When it comes to men, it becomes even more important to have people who understand them, given they don’t express as freely as they’d like. This is why men should learn to invest time in friendships and family relationships—to build a strong support network. They can benefit greatly from having people they can turn to for emotional support, especially during challenging times.

Experts believe that building and maintaining meaningful connections with friends and family members provides a sense of security and makes it easier for men to open up about their emotions. This support offers them strength and contributes to their overall wellbeing in the long run.

A big NO to unhealthy coping mechanisms

When faced with stress, anxiety or difficult emotions, men often resort to various forms of distraction to cope. Be it gaming, immersing themselves in work, using substances to numb their feelings temporarily, isolating themselves from others or spending excessive time on screens, men tend to experiment with it all. However, these things can only provide temporary relief. In fact, indulging in excessive behaviour to cope can be extremely harmful in the larger canvas of life.

Instead, it is important to recognise when you are starting to indulge in an unhealthy coping mechanism and rectify it steadily. Exploring alternatives while practicing mindfulness— like engaging in physical activities or talking to a trusted friend or therapist to cope with tough emotions. There are several healthy approaches available, you only need to seek them out.

Exercising your woes away

The link between mental and physical health is significant. Stress, anxiety and other emotional difficulties can lead to symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension and sleep disturbances in most. Many men, when faced with emotional challenges, tend to neglect their physical health and that further adds to their emotional distress.

To break this cycle, you can adopt holistic self-care practices. By engaging in regular physical activity of some kind, maintaining a balanced diet and managing stress through relaxation techniques, you can learn to keep mental health woes at bay. By taking care of your physical health, you can improve your overall wellbeing. 

A therapist for your blues

Dr. John Smith, a renowned psychiatrist who specialises in men’s mental health, states that treating mental health issues just as one’s physical health concerns is the need of the hour. He urges men to seek help to manage their emotional challenges, if the need arises.

If it feels unmanageable, therapy should not be ruled out. American actor Jon Hamm once said about therapy, “Seeking medical attention is vital, whether it’s for your elbow, your teeth, or your brain. It’s important. In our society, admitting any personal struggle is often viewed as a weakness, but in reality, it shows strength.”

For those who face the societal pressure of appearing strong, therapy can prove to be incredibly beneficial. The process involved allows them a safe space to express their feelings, gain insight into their patterns and consequently, experience self-awareness.

On Men’s Health Month, we see how vital it is to prioritise self-care for the overall wellbeing of men. Practicing healthy coping mechanisms, tending to our physical health and seeking professional support when needed, are some ways in which we can support our mental wellbeing. So, let us learn to thrive and begin by knowing we are all worthy of care.


What are some signs that men may be struggling with their mental health?

Changes in their behaviour, such as increased irritability, withdrawal from social interactions and frequent mood swings are ways to know they are struggling.

What are some mental health tips for men?

Men can manage their mental health by prioritising self-care practices and attending therapy when needed.

How important is social support in men's mental health?

Having trusted relationships where men can openly discuss their feelings can reduce stress and improve their overall wellbeing.

Why should men practice healthy coping mechanisms?

Healthy coping mechanisms, such as journaling, engaging in hobbies and participating in relaxation techniques can help men manage emotions better.




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