It doesn’t take much to get anxious. For some, writing a difficult exam, performing onstage, meeting a potential partner or socialising (especially in case of introverts) can cause jitters. For others, it might take more–a decisive interview, an impending medical diagnosis, rejection or dealing with the loss of a loved one. And while it is perfectly normal to feel anxious, at times, anxiety can turn into a full-blown panic attack.
Let me tell you this from personal experience: Panic is strong enough to impact reason and logical thinking.
Shortness of breath, chest pains, shivering and nausea–panic attacks have rendered me helpless quite a few times. Luckily, friends, family and experts helped me understand these reactions better. And I gradually learnt to deal with it alone.
Do you recall being caught in such an episode? Relax. There are ways to handle a panic attack. Here’s how.
Relaxation techniques
Deep breathing: This is a tried and tested method. Sometimes a panic attack can make you feel trapped and incapable of movement. This is where relaxation techniques come into play. One way to calm the mind is by deep breathing, with a focus on inhaling and exhaling.
I have a colleague who prefers to count numbers along with the breathing exercise. Prone to panicking, she does it at her desk, or if it’s too much, she just takes a walk or heads to a secluded space. When she returns, she is back in control.
More often than not, telling yourself you are in control helps.
Tapping: According to psychotherapy experts, an effective relaxation technique is tapping. One needs to tap areas like the crown of the head, under the nose and under the lower lip with the index and middle fingers of both hands, preferably forming a pattern. Concentrating on rhythmic tapping helps in calming down.
One of my go-to techniques when I find myself alone and panicking is identifying the signs of anxiety and distracting myself.
I choose to pick up a book and lose myself in the story. Listening to my favourite songs or watering plants work equally well.
In public spaces, concentrating on colours and movement helps me a lot. I consciously start linking whatever I see to a positive thought. For example, I have two dogs and if I see something brown or black, I link it to their furry coats. It makes me relax as the link starts a chain reaction of happy memories. The aim is to shift the concentration from anxiety-inducing thoughts to other things that you enjoy doing. It’s all in the mind after all.
Meditation, when practised correctly, helps one reach a state of thoughtlessness which helps put a handle on anxiety-inducing thoughts.
Positive affirmations
Self-depreciation is a common trigger for anxiety. The I am useless and incapable of doing anything rant is something many of us are familiar with. Once this thought becomes repetitive, we talk ourselves into believing it. This rant, in time, becomes our truth.
Train your mind to convince yourself of your capabilities instead.
Write it down
Sometimes, overwhelming thoughts of fear, failure, jealousy, insecurity and the like plague our mind. Such thoughts can push us into the realm of panic. This torrential flow of thoughts engulfs the person, leaving them gasping for breath.
Writing these thoughts down takes the edge off for me. When I see the words on paper, they appear ridiculous and I can effortlessly ignore them.
I have been told that a balanced lifestyle that includes daily meditation–sometimes twice a day–helps. Meditation, when practised correctly, helps one reach a state of thoughtlessness which helps put a handle on anxiety-inducing thoughts.
Speak out
Many a time, when anxiety starts to take over, I reach out to friends or family who are a call away. Talking helps. I share anything that crosses my mind. This, and the responses of the people I am speaking to, help me calm down. Make sure you call the right person though; someone who understands your state.
All of these techniques have helped me keep a lid on my anxiety. However, there are times when clinical intervention is necessary. If reaching out to a psychotherapist helps in any way, do it. You and I deserve a peaceful life as much as the next person. Keep your inner strength at hand.
The power to fight anxiety is within you. Tap into it.
What are some relaxation techniques to handle a panic attack?
Deep breathing and practising meditation can help calm the mind during a panic attack.
How can distraction be helpful during a panic attack?
Engaging in activities like reading, listening to music, or focusing on colours and movement in the surroundings can help shift attention away from anxiety-inducing thoughts.
How can positive affirmations combat anxiety-triggering self-depreciation?
By training the mind to believe in one’s capabilities and replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, anxiety triggers can be mitigated.
Is writing down overwhelming thoughts beneficial for managing anxiety?
Writing down anxious thoughts can bring relief by putting them into words and recognizing their tendency to be exaggerated, thus making it simpler to dismiss them.